Saturday, January 19, 2013

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

You've probably heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover," but have you ever thought about how that can apply to people? There are millions of people out there - each one different from the last. How do you know what each person is like if you don't know them? The simple answer is: you don't.

There are so many times when I've seen someone maybe across the room or even sitting near me in class and I automatically make a judgement about them. It may be a great judgement or observation, such as noticing their style of dressing or how nice their hair looks. But there have certainly been times when I look at someone and think, "I bet they don't work very hard on their homework" or "they don't seem very friendly." Yet in both of these examples, the person could easily just not understand the teacher and so they look confused all the time, but they spend hours and hours trying to understand the material. And in the second example, the person might just be shy.

Here is a great quote from Mother Teresa:

Rather than automatically judging people and making assumptions about them, we should love them and get to know them first before assuming anything. Maybe try smiling at those people who are shy - you might just get a new friend!

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