Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Challenge # 1: Daily Prayer Time

Do you have a best friend? Someone you love talking to...someone you could talk to for hours and hours....they know you almost better than you know yourself? I have several friends like that and talking to them really makes my day better every time I see them.

But then there are people whom I see around a lot, but never find time to talk to them and hang out. I definitely don't know them as well and probably wouldn't talk to them about everything going on in my life. Lastly, there are the people whom I've never talked to in my life. Why? the opportunity just never presented itself.

What is the point of all this? Well, what I want to know is, is Jesus one of your best friends? Is he someone you can talk to all the time about anything? If he's not, why not? If he is, good job, keep up the good work. Jesus is the only person who knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our hearts so well since he created them. He is interested in hearing about your life - the good, the bad, and the ugly ;) Will you tell him about it?

Practically speaking, how do we get to know Jesus? After all, he lives in heaven and it's not like we can go have coffee with him. Well, we get creative. Do you know what the five love languages are? Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, and Physical Touch. Jesus wants to love us in all these ways.

Quality time is the easiest and perhaps one of the most important ones. How can we get to know Jesus if we don't spend time with him? Go to the chapel and just sit and listen. Or grab a journal and write to him. If you don't have access to a chapel, then find a spot in your room or somewhere that you won't get interrrupted.

Words of Affirmation. When we listen to what God has to tell us, he will often whisper that he loves us. We can also affirm God by thanking him for what he has given us in life.

Acts of Service. Well the Cross for starters. That was the biggest sacrifice ever made. I'd say that counts. We can serve Christ by serving those around us and seeing Christ in them.

Gift Giving. This one's a little trickier, but I usually think of it as giving God your time, or writing him letters/journaling....hmm I'll have to think more on this one.

Physical Touch. This is another tough one, but receiving him in the Eucharist is what comes to my mind.

Be creative! Jesus wants a personal relationship with each one of us. He knows our hearts and how we best love others, so let him love you the way you receive love, and learn to love him the way you love others.

Start small. 5-10 minutes a day is okay to start with....something I've discovered is that the more you get to know Jesus, the more time you want to spend with him. If you start praying but have nothing to say, then just listen. Or read the Bible. Or just sit and look at the Tabernacle in awe. It takes time, but it's worth it in the end. He wants to spend time with us.

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