Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Haiti Mission Trip: Recap and Overview

Dear Readers,

I'm so sorry to have disappointed you last week by not posting anything. :( I had every intention of posting about Haiti while being there. Once I arrived, I did have access to a computer and to internet, but I decided that I really just wanted to give up technology for the week, so I chose not to post anything. However, I plan on using this week to update you on all that happened last week :)

I would like to use this post to give you an overview and explanation of the trip, and then over the next few days, I will go into more detail for each day. For starters, the trip was planned by a friend of mine, who ended up not being able to go, but there were 4 of us who ended up going: Lauren, Abigail, and Mrs. Shoup. On Sunday, March 10th, we flew to the Port au Prince airport in Haiti and then rode 2 hours in a van to get to our final destination for the week: Kobonal, Haiti. Here are a few pictures from our airplane travels.

Abigail, Lauren, and Me...waiting at 4am in the airport
The sunrise from the plane

Then as we were driving to Kobonal, I took lots of pictures. Haiti is beautiful! I couldn't believe how pretty the scenery was: mountains surrounding us; lots of green; gorgeous warm weather. It was stunnning.

Enjoying the beautiful warm weather!
The mountains we drove through

Once we arrived in Kobonal, we went straight to the mission where we were staying. The mission run by SOLT (The Society of Our Lady of the Trinity) and the priest who lives down there has been there for over 20 years. Anyway, we arrived and got settled into the guest house where we were staying. Fr. Glenn said Mass for us a little while later and then we ate dinner and pretty much went to bed after that.

The room where we stayed.

 Well that's all for today's post.....stop by throughout the week to read/see more! :)

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