Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Procrastination is the Art of Perfection

I'm gonna be really honest here, I'm not sure what my title means. It sounded poetic. It has repeating "p" sounds, but they're not in a row, so I guess they're not considered alliteration. Can you tell that I have written 3 papers in the last week? My brain is a little fried and I'm running on caffeine right now since I went to bed this morning around 5:30am. Does it even count as going to bed if it's that late? Or is that early?

This is my last semester of college. I'm really excited about it, although I've been too busy working on projects and assignments to really contemplate what being done with school FOREVER means. Maybe next week I'll have more time to think about it.

Teachers are funny, you know that? This Saturday is the start of finals, but all my teachers made papers due this week, BEFORE finals. I suppose that's to help us not have to study for a test AND write a paper, but I think I would have preferred that they let me make that decision on my own.

Procrastination. A word that college students know well. Sometimes I do it because I'm unmotivated. Sometimes I do it because I'm stressed. More often than not, I do it simply because I don't want to complete the assignment.

Up until this point I cared a lot about my grades. Like a lot. I did not want anything below a B- on my transcript. But that changed this semester. This has been the busiest semester of my life. Like seriously, CRAZY busy. I've never had so much homework or so many assignments. I cut back my hours at work from 15 to 10 a week. I've never had to do that. I'm busy and overwhelmed, yet I continue to procrastinate.I care about my grades, just not an obsessive amount.

"I like to tell myself that I'm procrastinating 
because I work better under stress."

I suppose there might be some truth to that statement. I mean, stress can be motivating. After all, I didn't stay up until 5:30am this morning because I wanted to get a "D" on my paper. I want an "A." Probably should have tried to finish it a little sooner though ;)

But there are perks - that rush of adrenaline you get after your second wind, that's powerful. Last night I felt like I could conquer the world - and I honestly think my paper turned out great!

So perhaps this is what I mean when I say,
"Procrastination is the Art of Perfection."
Sometimes a little procrastination and a little extra stress are just the motivation you need to do well on something.....I'll let you know how my paper turns out ;)

Until next time, good luck and remember:

1 comment:

  1. lol! You need to sleep! JK but really! I like this post a lot so much truth +caffeine!
