Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent: Preparing for Christ's Coming

        Advent. A word that means "coming." But what or who is coming? Jesus of course! But Jesus already came 2,000 years why are we celebrating it again? Advent is a time to prepare not so much for the first time Jesus came, but to prepare for his second coming. Each day we live should be as if it were our last. We should be loving those around us and trying to be as close to Jesus as possible. But we aren't perfect and everyone makes mistakes. So advent is yet another reminder of what life is really all about: Preparing for the coming of Jesus.

       As you begin celebrating this season, probably with Christmas shopping, baking, decorating and more, remember to prepare for the coming of Christ. In the end, he is all that matters anyway. Happy Advent!

Advent Wreath

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