Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Weak Flesh

Well, here we are. Ash Wednesday. Fasting. Prayer. Ashes. More Fasting.

Every year I find fasting difficult. All I want to do is complain about how hungry I am and how much I dislike doing it. I say that I understand why we do it, but then when I really think about it, I realize that I don't understand the point. I know Jesus did it. I know other holy people do it. But what's the point of fasting? How can it help me, an average girl, trying to get to heaven?

Our flesh is weak. If you don't think yours is, think about how much you've sinned just in the past week. This isn't meant to be depressing, but it's a fact. We sin and we're weak. When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, he asked his disciples to do one thing: "stay awake and pray." It was a simple request but they couldn't even do that. Why not? Because as it says in Matthew:

"Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation; 
the spirit indeed is will but the flesh is weak." 
- Matthew 26:41

We have weak flesh. But we have good hearts and if we're willing to work hard and try to overcome our sin and weakness, then we are capable of doing great things for God.

But how does fasting help us with this? One of my friends wrote a great article on fasting, which you can see here, but in case you don't have time to read it, I wanted to share one of the quotes here:

"The primary reason for fasting is to help us acquire mastery over our passions, our instincts, and our sins.  By denying ourselves a pleasure, we increase our capability to deny our temptations and, ultimately, with the grace of God, to overcome sin. 
In denying ourselves, we also engage in a small martyrdom, a death to self, 
which prepares us for the Cross"

The way I look at it, if we can eat less food for a day, we have at least a small amount of self-control. Self-control is key to mastering sin and becoming a better person. Sooo, fasting is good way to practice this and attain the virtue of temperance.

Another good reason for fasting can be found in this quote from a missionary:

"Fasting helps express, deepens, confirms the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, 
even ourselves to attain what we seek for the Kingdom of God."

Fasting is a great way to practice self-denial and show that we are willing to sacrifice things for Christ. He died on a cross for us - I think the least we could do is sacrifice eating as much for a day.

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